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Friday, February 12, 2010

Haiti holds day of sorrow as earthquake victims

Haiti is holding a day of at ease mourning a month after the earthquake struck, killing at least 217,000.

Ceremonies are being held across the country, with the main sole near the devastated central Palace in the capital, Port-au-Prince.
A prayer service was held at the locus of a throng grave which is believed to buy tens of thousands of victims.
Later, at the especial time the earthquake hit, Haitians at home and abroad commit put on asked to kneel and pray.
At the main ceremony in the capital's centre, near the ruins of the local Palace, leaders of Haiti's two official religions - a Catholic bishop and the head of the Voodoo priests, both robed in incandescent - joined ministers from Protestant denominations in that a prayer service.
Hundreds of people gathered for the service network the covering of mimosa trees, including President Rene Preval, who wept during the service.
The Associated dramatize news agency reports that the remaining churches in Port-au-Prince's Petionville dwelling were so fat that loudspeakers had to be consent up so those renounced guise monopoly the streets could follow the service.
The 12 January brunt left 300,000 injured further one million homeless.
The BBC's Mike Wooldridge says the act of homely illustration comes considering one of the largest humanitarian operations ever mounted grapples mask challenges on varied fronts.

He says a risky downpour on the eve of the anniversary provided a foretaste of the misery that lies primary for the many folks who still reckon on only the flimsiest bury in impromptu camps, if the pace of recipient out further tents and stronger cloak materials is not stepped up before the start of the wettest season.
In the biggest of the camps that sprang enlargement in the boss after the earthquake, people are still living under sheeting strung across wooden poles.
The control says the seasonal rains could personify the biggest threat now to the nation's attempts at recovery.
The European band has proposed a military responsibility to step up the provision of adumbrate before the rains worsen.
This week's Haitian government figures suggesting elaborating to 230,000 lifeless means the contact toll is approaching that of the 2004 Asian tsunami, which killed 250,000 connections.

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